Saturday, May 11, 2013

From a take out container to a kids craft to priceless present!

Thanks to Elias's wonderful preschool, Bright Beginnings, to remind me what a fun craft shrink a dinks were. Well this one is a earth friendly modern version of the craft most of us did as kids!!

Take out container (with the number 6 inside the recycle triangle)
Sharpie markers
Whole punch
Parchement paper

Preheat oven to 225 degrees.
Start by cutting the clear flat section of the take out container.(usually the lid and bottom can be used) I used scalloped scissors to have a unique edge.

Wash and dry the pieces.

Next whole punch desired area.

Now the fun part, use different color sharpies to decorate both sides of the clear pieces. Elias loves this part :)

Now place the new decorated pieces on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and place in oven. The plastic will look super cool as it curls up then flattens out again shrinking it size considerably!!

Bake for about 3-6 minutes. You will know when done when the pieces are flat again, a lot smaller and thicker.

How cool is it to re use a take out container and have an awesome keychain made with love!!!

The possibilities are endless.