Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homemade Almond Milk.

My family goes through  a lot of almond milk. Thus, I ventured to make my own from scratch. It was so easy. 

Soak 1 cup of raw almonds 6-8 hours  in water. 
I did mine over night. Drain and toss that water out. Put the almonds and 4 cups of water in blender and blend. (The amount was about the total capacity my blender could hold) Add vanilla and honey to taste. Blend to mix in. 

After blending strain out pulp with strainer or cheese cloth. 
I used a spoon to keep pressing almond pulp down and extract more liquid.

That's it friends, as simple as that. 

It tastes so yummy. Now I need to see if its cost effective or just a treat once in  a while.  But I will say my almond milk, peanut-butter and banana shake was the best one I've  made yet!  I think it was the almond milk. 

Homemade almond milk will be good in fridge for around 5 days and will naturally separate, so shake before serving. 
I need ideas on what to do with the pulp. 

Got any? 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Vision Boards

We had a family craft night tonight  and vision boards were our fun.

With a pile of magazines, foam white board, scissors and a glue stick Eric, Elias and I all got working away on our own vision boards. We cut our board into four pieces and began cutting and glueing! 

Intention. Energy goes where thoughts flow. 
This is my end result.  

Vision boards are a  great way to put out to the universe your goals/desires. They give you something to look back at to remind you what your working toward. 

I've many through out the years and love going back to look at them and see what goals have been reached. 

What does your look like?