Friday, February 8, 2013

She's crafty

A passion of mine has been ignited again. I'm crafty at heart and have dedicated 2013 to trying new things and blogging about my adventures!

Today's task... Homemade baby food. Roasted Ginger Apple Purée. Yummy!

I got this recipe from weelicious website. What a wonderful resource that place is. Good wholesome ideas of what to cook.

With that being said this is how you make this tasty starter food.

2- apples (sweet variety)
1/4 teaspoon fresh ginger minced
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
About foot of parchment paper

Pre heat oven to 400 degrees.
Fold parchment paper in half.
Peel and chop apples into 1 inch cubes.
Place on half of parchment paper.
Sprinkle the cinnamon and ginger on top of the apples.
Fold edges of parchment paper creating a sealed packet.
Baked for 15-20 minutes until apples are soft. Let cool.
Then place the roasted ginger cinnamon
apples into a food professor and process to desired consistency.
Yup that's it. Easy peasy and taste so good. Evalucia devoured it.

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