Saturday, April 6, 2013

Working mom in modern times...

I've officially finished my first week back to work full time. Wow how does one manage to work full time and still juggle a functioning household?

Between dropping the lil man off at preschool at 7:30am, then lil miss off at daycare at 7:40am. Working from 8:30am to 5pm. To arrive home around 6pm and to then have to make dinner, get kids feed, bathed and ready for bed by 7:30. How does one do it? Not to mention lunches made, clothes washed, house cleaned, bills paid and the list goes on.

Are all waking hours devoted to keeping house? Is their a super mom power I'm lacking?

This week was tough! Not a lot got done around the house but I have a loving supportive husband, two beautiful kids, my family is happy and that's what matters to this mama!!

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