Sunday, January 19, 2014

Not as advertised

This is what they say the food you are buying looks like and this is really what you get. 

No wonder she didn't want to eat it. 
Another reason why home made is better. No more cutting corners for this Mama. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Chocolate peanut butter cups! 5 ingredients!

Everyone who knows me understands how much of a sweet tooth I am. I would give up dinner for desert any day! This recipie is so good and has a great combination of chocolate and peanut butter, hard to go wrong. It only has 5 ingredients, no baking and can be made in minutes. The hardest part is waiting for them to set.


1/2 cup of coconut oil
1/2 cup of smooth peanut butter or other nut butter
1/2 cup of high quality cocoa powder
1/4 cup of raw honey 
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

Mix all ingredients in food processor or blender. (It will turn out like liquid chocolate) Pour into paper-lined cupcake pan about half inch thick. ( I used mini cupcake tins and ended up with 24 total)
Let them set in fridge for 30 minutes or in freezer for 10 minutes. Once firm store them in fridge in airtight container. 


Friday, November 15, 2013

Top 14 fruits and vegetables to buy Organic

I try to buy as much organic fruits and vegetables for my family as possible. I love shopping at Whole Foods but buying all my grocery needs there is not realistic. Buying organic on a budget means prioritizing. Certain fruits and vegetables carry higher levels of pesticide residuals, thus should be purchased organic.

1. Apples 
2. Celery 
3. Cherry tomatoes 
4. Cucumbers 
5. Grapes 
6. Hot peppers 
7. Nectarines (imported) 
8. Peaches 
9. Potatoes 
10. Spinach 
11. Strawberries 
12. Sweet bell peppers 
13. Kale and Collard Greens 
14. Summer Squash 

 On the flip side the below list are the fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticides residuals. 

 The Clean 15
1. Asparagus 
2. Avocado 
3. Cabbage 
4. Cantaloupe 
5. Sweet Corn 
6. Eggplant 
7. Grapefruit 
8. Kiwi 
9. Mangos 
10. Mushroom 
11. Onions 
12. Papayas 
13. Pineapples 
14. Sweet Peas (frozen) 
15. Sweet Potatoes 

 This information is pulled from the Environmental Working Group's website ( They test the fruits and vegetables and publish the results yearly in a report called "EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce". The website has a lot of great information. It's good to educate yourself on nutrition. Food is you body's medicine. Food is the fuel to your engine. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

New take on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Who doesn't love a good old peanut butter and jelly sandwich?? Well when you make them almost daily for a picky kindergartener, change is good. This recipie is from

Spread a thin layer of peanut butter(or any nut butter) on a tortilla. Then lay a banana on one edge.

 Roll the banana up in the tortilla. The peanut butter acts like the glue to hold it together. Then slice it into rolls. It's simple and good. They have become a new favorite in Elias's school lunches. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. Only 5 ingredients.

These Gluten free cookies are definitely worth a try. They are my new favorite treat and another great Pinterest find off 

1 can of chickpeas rinsed and patted dry with paper towel. (Yes you read right, chickpeas) 
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. 
1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter or other nut butter. 
1/4 cup of honey. 
1 teaspoon of baking powder. 
1/2 cup chocolate chips. 

 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth sticky  paste consistency. 

Scrape sides and mix again. Stir in chocolate chips. Wet hands and form 1-2 tablespoon cookies and place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. You will need to rewet hands in between forming cookies. The cookie dough is super sticky. Unlike usual cookies these do not spread out or rise too much. They will basically stay in the shape you form them to. Bake for 10 minutes and let cool. These cookies have a very soft texture and are delicious!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Curry Roasted Chickpeas... A healthy gluten free snack.

My latest Pinterest find was roasted Chickpeas. I found a pin from I changed it a little. They turned out to be so good and simple to make.
1 can of chickpeas drained, rinsed and patted dry with a paper towel. 
1 heaping teaspoon of coconut oil. 
1 heaping teaspoon of curry powder. 
1 heaping teaspoon of Sriracha. 
1 heaping teaspoon of parmesan cheese 

 Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients in bowl. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place single layer and bake for 40-45 minutes. Turn/flip chickpeas every 15 minutes for even roasting. Keep a watchful eye during the last fifteen to avoid burning them. Bake to desired crunchiness. Let cool for ten minutes, then devour. I sure did.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homemade Almond Milk.

My family goes through  a lot of almond milk. Thus, I ventured to make my own from scratch. It was so easy. 

Soak 1 cup of raw almonds 6-8 hours  in water. 
I did mine over night. Drain and toss that water out. Put the almonds and 4 cups of water in blender and blend. (The amount was about the total capacity my blender could hold) Add vanilla and honey to taste. Blend to mix in. 

After blending strain out pulp with strainer or cheese cloth. 
I used a spoon to keep pressing almond pulp down and extract more liquid.

That's it friends, as simple as that. 

It tastes so yummy. Now I need to see if its cost effective or just a treat once in  a while.  But I will say my almond milk, peanut-butter and banana shake was the best one I've  made yet!  I think it was the almond milk. 

Homemade almond milk will be good in fridge for around 5 days and will naturally separate, so shake before serving. 
I need ideas on what to do with the pulp. 

Got any?