Friday, November 15, 2013

Top 14 fruits and vegetables to buy Organic

I try to buy as much organic fruits and vegetables for my family as possible. I love shopping at Whole Foods but buying all my grocery needs there is not realistic. Buying organic on a budget means prioritizing. Certain fruits and vegetables carry higher levels of pesticide residuals, thus should be purchased organic.

1. Apples 
2. Celery 
3. Cherry tomatoes 
4. Cucumbers 
5. Grapes 
6. Hot peppers 
7. Nectarines (imported) 
8. Peaches 
9. Potatoes 
10. Spinach 
11. Strawberries 
12. Sweet bell peppers 
13. Kale and Collard Greens 
14. Summer Squash 

 On the flip side the below list are the fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticides residuals. 

 The Clean 15
1. Asparagus 
2. Avocado 
3. Cabbage 
4. Cantaloupe 
5. Sweet Corn 
6. Eggplant 
7. Grapefruit 
8. Kiwi 
9. Mangos 
10. Mushroom 
11. Onions 
12. Papayas 
13. Pineapples 
14. Sweet Peas (frozen) 
15. Sweet Potatoes 

 This information is pulled from the Environmental Working Group's website ( They test the fruits and vegetables and publish the results yearly in a report called "EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce". The website has a lot of great information. It's good to educate yourself on nutrition. Food is you body's medicine. Food is the fuel to your engine. 

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